jueves, 27 de junio de 2024

The final post


Today I going to say goodbye to this blog, the blogs are a great experience because the post allow you to expand about your topic.

The post which most enjoy is the ''A beautiful place in Chile'', at the first I don't know what writing in there but after the words just flowed and was the easiest to writing and the most funny, because remember all we do with my brother when we are young.

The post which I least enjoyed writing is ''Last weekend'' because there weekend I did't do it many thing or interested things so it was a little boring.

The blog most enjoyed reading it was the ´'A place to eat'' because there were restaurants that I would never have thought of going to  and now I will have to go.

I thing what my english inproved now becauce when I don't understand anything I looking synonym so I open my vocavulary. 

The think what I like is easy to use in general but when I writing comment I complicated because sometimes I hit the wrong button and my comments were made anonymous. 

I liked to write here because I feel is more free and without pressure. 

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The final post

 Hi,  Today I going to say goodbye to this blog, the blogs are a great experience because the post allow you to expand about your topic. The...